MDA of Brampton, Canada, has announced that it is six months into the design work on a follow-on to the 2007-launched Radarsat-2 for the Canadian Government. Radarsat-2 itself was built on a Alenia Spazio (now Thales Alenia Space) PRIMA platform. It is expected that like the original MDA will have to find a supplier to provide a satellite platform for this project. No details concerning launch plans or cost have been however, MDA anticipates providing more information in the coming weeks/months.

Logo of the new MDA. Courtesy of MDA
MDA which was formerly a founding constituent of the now American Maxar Technologies – then known as MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd – was bought by private Canadian investors in April 2020. This deal was valued at US$765 million and lead by Toronto-based Northern Private Capital.