Having been delivered on the Dragon CRS-18’s trunk, the new IDA-3 docking adapter was moved to the space station by the Dextre robot arm. IDA-3 was berthed at the PMA-3 docking poor with a soft berthed at 1100 GMT on 21 August. On the same day, two astronauts Nick Hague and Drew Morgan made a spacewalk starting with a depressurisation of the quest airlock at 1219 GMT and with the hatch being opened at 1226 GMT. The IDA-3 was hard berthed after the astronauts connected power cables to the module at circa 1500 GMT. Having removed its thermal cover, and installing some hemi-reflectors, the astronauts returned to the Quest airlock closing that hatch at 1855 GMT with pressurisation occurring at 1859 GMT.
All times via Jonathan McDowell.