Above: International Space Station commander Peggy Whitson (foreground) and European Space Agency mission specialist Paolo Nespoli assist Space Shuttle Discovery crew member astronaut Doug Wheelock prior to the start of his extra-vehicular activity, STS-120’s third spacewalk that would last 7h
On a news-lite morning, NASASpaceflight.com reports about the agency’s mission management team extending the duration of STS-120, to allow the astronauts time to fully investigate the problem with the International Space Station’s starboard Solar Alpha Rotary Joint
As NASA’s best and brightest tackle that the single party state that is the Chinese government is solving its own problem of pesky locals getting in the way of a shiny new spaceport, solution, move them whether they like it or not. Nimbyism is not allowed to exist in China
While Lockheed Martin Orion crew exploration vehicle development team member, and blogger, “T. L. James” talks lunar helium three, fusion and reveals a knowledge of UK life with his reference to our national newspaper for those into left of centre politics, The Guardian, as The Grauniad – because the paper is reknowned for its bad spelling