Launch delays, launch delays, launch delays…several launches held up for a variety of reasons (Corrected)

by | Oct 22, 2013 | commercial launch services, Seradata News | 0 comments

Several upcoming launches have been delayed and there are a variety of reasons:

The Proton M Breeze M launch of Sirius FM-6 has been delayed from 20 to 25 October due to issues with the satellite ground station network required for the launch and early orbital operations of the satellite. 

The planned launch of GPS IIF-5 on a ULA Delta IVM+ 4,2 has been delayed from 17 October by at least two weeks. An update to the investigation of the upper stage incident for the GPS IIF3 launch in October 2012. caused the delay.  The latest conclusions note that the fuel leak may have been apparently trggered by dynamic responses during an engine start event and engineers are examining if preventative measures  have to be undertaken.

India’s first Mars mission, the Mars Orbiter Mission dubbed Mangalyaan, which was slated to be launched on 28 October, has been postponed by a week due to bad weather that prevented a tracking ship from reaching its tracking destination in time.

The late delivery (for technical reasons) of  Russia’s METEOR 3M-N2 meteorological satellite has delayed the 17 December launch of it, and several small satellites (including AIS-SAT 2,  M3MSAT, MKA-FKI PN2 (RELEK), SKYSAT 2, TECHDEMOSAT, UKCUBE 1 and VENTA 1),  on a Soyuz 2-1B Fregat M, to February next year.

The Minotaur 1 launch carrying at least 26 small satellites which had been set for 4 November is likely to be delayed until mid-month following the launch prepartion delays which were caused by the US Government shutdown.

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