The Indian Space Research Organisation had a successful flight of its PSLV rocket in strap-on-less Core Alone PSLV C series CA configuration. The rocket liftted off at1231 GMT from the Sriharikota launch site on 25 February 2013. Aboard the launch were seven satellites. The most “important” payload was the 409kg Saral spacecraft, an Indo-French oceanograpy satellite designed to study ocean circulation and sea surface elevation. Along with this flew six other spacecraft:
The 148kg Sapphire (Canada) for the tracking of other space bodies including spacecraft and meteors.
The 74kg Neossat Canadian astronomical satellite
The 6.5kg Canx-3A (Unibrite) part of the BRIghtstar Target Explorer mission for Photometric observation of the stars.
The 7kg Canx-3B (Tugsat 1 – Brite Austria – part of the BRIghtstar Target Explorer mission for Photometric observation of the stars.
The 4kg 3U-Cubsat Strand-1, a UK-satellite testing out smart phone electronics.
AAU Cubesat 3 is a 1kg 1U Cubesat designed to test communications receiving equipment.