NASA 3rd space exploration conference blog: day 3

by | Feb 28, 2008 | Seradata News | 0 comments

Day 3

Blogging live


Q why didn’t we look at lunar requirements before ESAS?
Cooke said: ESAS was informed by past studies for crew size and lift capacity
A lot of what we have done has refined that
And shows that ESAS is right gauge of capability
Q why so important to establish standards so early
Coleman said: RFP for lunar elements expected soon and to make sure we’re consistent want to establish standards early to avoid later corrections

Q how do we enforce commonality between many partners and internationals
Yoder said: already have international communication standard groups. there is a common drive to enable interface. Won’t be global governing body but can agree standards

Cooke said: first workshop with internationals saw issues about common standards raised

Q what does rugged terrain do to mobility plans
Hensley said:
Yoder: putting terrain data into surface op simulators we can see how much energy a rover needs to climb an incline

Q Is small rover NASA or is for international/commercials to provide
Yoder said: Yes small rover is open to international/commercial provision

Q how can NASA reduce market risk
Cooke waffled but essentially was saying that NASA can mature technology

Q How about lunar analog missions as well as Mars analog?
Hensley said: analog activity we are focusing on what infomrationb do we need today for 2021 activities. An analog activity ths year is loig at unpressurised rover, what is work efficiency with that
In October doing the same with pressurised rover

Q what is status of discussions with internationals on lunar elements
Yoder: bilateral discussions going on, way to early for anything definitive
Nothing ready to be signed

Session ended

Scott Hensley
Jet Propulsion Lab

Talking about the lunar surface terrain results that were announced yesterday and the material can be found here

Sandy Coleman
ATK exploration director
Representing Space Enterprise Council and US Chamber of Commerce

Showed examples of how CoC is workig with NASA on commercial standards and are they applicable to ESMD needs and what commercial off the shelf goods/services were applicable

Developed own idea of a lunar outpost in 2030 to understand what was necessary

developed three module ideas, two of which are living habitat, work habitat for example

Considered power systems, ISRU, communicatyons and navigation, need for lunar GPS, ground based or orbital, surface transportation that may use a rocket-hopper vehicle

what interoperability do we need?
what safety standards do we need?

health habitat could include an infirmary or gym
would US living habitat mate with international partners elements
work habitat, science lab, mission management, should it be mobile?
long duration surface suits, should suit elements be interchangeable with international partner suits

Planning for 1 April 2008 lunar architecture workshop for NASA and Chamber of Commerce
Will produce results in May

So far have evaluated 11 architectural elements for value of standards when needed
Next step is to identify candidate sources for standards

Geoff Yoder
Director of integration office, ESMD at HQ

August 2007 LAT 2 detailed design concepts work

Lunar capabilities concedpt review by June 2008

work done before then is to examine Ares/Orion/Altair capabilities and are they good enough

Picked 10km distance for rover capability as that is also walk back safe
Radiation from solar event also considered, to get to habitat for a safe haven
have 2m water jacket that goes round mid-portion of rover as heat sink

on first few missions may not have a rover

but have rover wheel concept of six axis and twelve wheels
the rover is not much longer than Apollo rovers
wanted to make it easy to put EVA suits on, get in suits and on surface in 10-15min
so that is reason to climb into suit that is essentiallty located on the outside of the rover

Shackleton is 19km wide crater

Talking about open architecture method to include international agencies and industry involvement and work on developing the global exporation strategy

Talking about what ESA wants to do
ESA wants to use Ariane 5 to deliver about 1,700kg to lunar surface
This could be used to place supplies in areas for extended operation
200kg payload elements as part of total 1,700kg

0835h Now it is the Lunar architecture update

Doug Cooke, the moderator for this session is giving background to what has happened between 2006 and now

Outpost to be built up using only two or three modular habitat elements

Wanted mobility capability

Considered early delivery of small pressurised rovers; would get the crew out early beyond the outpost for exploration

Extended surface operations
Use Athlete to move habitats to another location
Crew would use rovers to reach that habitat

In second phase concluded wanted “super sortie” capability to allow 100s of kms from outpost

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