News bites once more in this historic Sputnik week

by | Oct 2, 2007 | Seradata News | 0 comments

Catch them while they’re in your orbital plane

The LA Times has got an author and blogger Rand Simberg debating NASA for what its worth

If you have any bright ideas NASA would like to hear them about its future space suits is reporting that NASA has placed an order for its Orion launch abort system test launch pad

Aviation Week and Space Technology is reporting that China plans to have a lunar sample return mission. What? You mean like this one Flight has exclusive video of?

NASA has some cool stuff with a feature about Neil Armstrong talking about piloting the Apollo lunar module and some whacky lunar vehicle designs that will probably never see the light of day

On a slightly more upsetting note a Russian astronomer has allegedly said that Earth might get whacked by the asteroid Apophis in 2029 has a couple of plugs for Space Review and The Space Show

Find JAXA’s astronaut training activity info here

Our sister magazine New Scientist’s website reports on the Mars Society’s attempts in the US to get Mars manned mission study funding re-instated in the US space agency’s budget reports on Bigelow Aerospace’s concerns over a possible lack of transportation availability for its private space stations

Aviation Week and Space Technology tells us that nuclear power is getting a boost for exploration. Have they forgotten about Prometheus already?

Space Adventures has announced that the son of a Skylab and Shuttle/Spacelab astronaut is to be the sixth space tourist to go to the ISS

And here apparently the right main landing gear’s hydraulics on Shuttle Discovery is leaking potentially delaying the 23 October scheduled launch

Space Frontier Foundation has posted its latest newsletter

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