Nice ars gratia artis: Playboy shows off its “club in space” concept

by | Mar 5, 2012 | Seradata News | 0 comments

While visiting the Playboy website is officially frowned upon during company work time while using company machines, at least space cadets now have an excuse. Playboy has released some concept artwork of a possible club/hotel in space. The concept is courtesy of Adam Wells, the head designer of Virgin Galactic along with other rocket scientists and futurists who were charged with producing the design.

In a news release, the design is described by the magazine’s Editorial Director, Jimmy Jellinem as: “the ultimate intergalactic entertainment destination,” “This heaven in the heavens will exceed starry-eyed travelers’ (sic) wildest dreams, and guests will truly experience a party that’s out of this world.” He added.

The images of the Playboy Club in Space include mock-ups of its zero-gravity dance club, human roulette wheel, and floating drink globules.

Apart from being on the Playboy website, the artwork is also to appear in the March issue of the Playboy magazine (presumably featuring in between the pictures of its Earthbound naked ladies). Whether this is, as the MGM film studio might put it: “Ars Gratia Artis” (Art for art’s sake), or actually a genuine plan remains to be seen. So far it looks like the former.

Theresa M. Hennessey, Vice President of Public Relations for Playboy Enterprises, Inc. replied to the question in an e-mail: “Thanks for reaching out. The renderings are just a concept at this point, but you never know what the future may hold!” Just in case it has any chance of becoming true, your correspondent would like to make a booking.

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