SpaceShipTwo at EAA AirVenture next year says Galactic prez

by | Aug 1, 2008 | Seradata News | 1 comment

Speaking to Flightglobal in an interview here at the Experimental Aircraft Association’s AirVenture event in Oshkosh, Wisconsin Virgin Galactic president Will Whitehorn said that SpaceShipTwo could make an appearence at the general aviation airshow in 2009

ss2 underwrapsW445.JPG

credit: Flight / SS2 underwraps at Scaled on Monday 28 July 2008In the video interview Whitehorn was asked if he expected SS2 to be rolled out this time next year. He said that he thought SS2 would be rolled out early in 2009 and that it could probably be carried to Oshkosh by the prototype WhiteKnightTwo (WK2) presented on Monday 28 July

I think the first SS2 will be a test vehicle as well and will not see commercial operation

During the AirVenture presentation by Whitehorn, Sir Richard Branson and Burt Rutan on the Tuesday morning it was stated that WK2 would be able to visit Oshkosh next year

The Scaled-Virgin trio have also started talking about having not just a conventional rocket to propel 100kg satellites to orbit using WK2 as a launch platform but using a flyback booster in place of that conventional launcher. I asked Whitehorn for more details but there weren’t any, basically

Unfortunately due to technical problems the video of Whitehorn’s interview, can’t be posted to the website. The video has no sound.

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