The BBC has video of WhiteKnight Two (WK2) overflying Las Cruces on Saturday 20 June but the terms of use for embedding it on other websites is for personal use only. As this is a commercial site I can’t embed it but go here to find it and watch it. And if I am not mistaken you’ll see the back of one Jeff Foust in the video, go Jeff!!
In the end WK2 over flew Las Cruces international airport after missing the ground breaking ceremony on the 19 June 72km (45 miles) north of Las Cruces city after an actuator warning forced the plane’s pilots to divert to Phoenix Mesa Gateway airport. On 20 June WK2 flew from Phoenix to Las Cruces and back to Mojave airport, where it is based and which was having its own air show for the day
Find the full BBC report on the 19 June ground breaking ceremony with interviews here